Recurve bow tuning is a task that many archers often overlook. While it may not be the most glamorous of tasks, knowing how to tune a recurve bow is necessary to ensure your bow shoots accurately and consistently. Even if you are a seasoned pro with a high-end recurve setup, there is still no reason why you should not take the time to tune your bow regularly.
So If you want to be successful with a recurve bow, it is important to ensure that it is properly tuned. This process includes making sure that the riser comes into contact with the string at full draw, and there are plenty of ways to do this. This article will give recurve bow tuning tips for keeping your bow working and in good shape!
Why Should Tune A Recurve Bow?
The tuning process will ensure that your bow is shooting accurately and consistently. An untuned bow can often produce wildly inconsistent arrow flight, even when shot by the same archer! This means that your arrows may be flying far off target, with no apparent reason why. By taking the time to tune a recurve bow regularly, you’ll eliminate any chance of this happening. we have shortlisttes some of the top rated recurve bows have a look.
Perfect Nocking Point Location
The nocking point is the place on your string where you will put your arrow. It is vital to have a recurve bow tuning nock right for accurate shooting. Let’s say that you have a perfect draw length, and everything else about your bow is set up correctly, but your nocking point is too high or too low. Your arrows will impact low on the target, and you won’t be able to consistently hit the bullseye.

The easiest way to determine where your nocking point should be is to mark the string at your desired nocking point height. When you purchase a nocking point, make sure to test it on your bow.
Place the nocking point at different places along the string and see where it looks most balanced. You can also place the nocking point on the rest of your bow as well and see if you prefer that spot instead.
Once you have decided where you want your nocking point, mark it with a pencil or pen and remove it from your bow. Now is the time to place your nocking point! This Is the part that takes a little time and patience. Make sure to place your nocking point as close to the center of your bowstring as possible!
Recurve tuning is the process of setting the poundage (draw weight) of your bow. The draw weight refers to how much force is required to pull back the string and aim the arrow. The higher the poundage, the more difficult it will be to aim and hold at full draw. Most target archers shoot bows between 40-60 pounds.

A common misconception among beginners is that higher poundage will automatically result in better shooting, but this isn’t always true! The key to becoming a better archer is practice, and higher poundage will make it more difficult to get consistent shots. It’s also important to remember that weight varies depending on the type of bow you’re shooting.
If you plan on shooting different types of bows, I recommend setting your poundage based on your heaviest bow first, then adjusting as necessary for each lighter bow.
Tiller is the curve of the limbs in relation to the bow’s riser. A perfectly tillered bow will have a flat string, which means that both limbs are exactly parallel to each other. However, it is more common for bows to be twisted, so one limb is longer than the other, and this can cause issues with accuracy and consistency.
The main problem with an un-tillered bow is that if you are shooting off-hand (not using a stabilizer), the bow will twist and torque as you hit, resulting in the string dipping or rising, affecting your accuracy.
How To Tell If Your Bow Is Tillered Correctly
1. Using a bow square, place it on the belly of each limb so that it is parallel with the riser. The distance between the string and both limbs should be exactly the same (ideally around 2mm). If there is a difference, then one limb is longer than the other and needs to be adjusted.

2. Using a level, check that the limbs are perfectly vertical when viewed from the side. If they are not, then this will affect accuracy and consistency.
3. Measure the distance between the string and belly of each limb at the grip, above and below center (12 o’clock).
These tips will ensure a correct recurve bow tiller adjustment!
Align the bow limbs
It is important to ensure the correct recurve bow limb adjustment before you start shooting. Because over the period, your recurve bow limbs may bend or deform slightly. This can be done by using a limb gauge or placing the bow on a flat surface and measuring the angle between it and the floor. It should be perpendicular to the ground.
Checking brace height
The brace height of your bow refers to how far back the string sits concerning where it attaches to the limbs. A good starting point for brace height is around 7cm to 9.5 cm from the riser, but this can vary depending on the style of bow you are using.
Find the ideal brace height for your recurve bow
You can find the ideal brace height by stringing the bow and then shooting a few arrows. While shooting each arrow, remove or add a twist in the upper and lower part of the string. You will find that one twist gives you a very comfortable draw and good arrow flight. This will be the ideal brace height for your recurve bow; note it down and use it constantly!

Checking your arrow rest
A simple way to check that your arrow rest is set correctly is to place an arrow onto it and draw the string back as far as possible. If the string moves over the top of the arrow, then it needs to be lowered a little. The correct setting will leave just enough room for the string to pass over the arrow’s shaft.
Sight Alignment
As with any other type of bow, you should start by recurve bow sight adjustment. This ensures that the arrow is shooting straight and hitting where you are aiming. Before sighting in, however, make sure your nocking point is adequately set. If this isn’t done correctly, it can cause you to shoot an incorrect arrow path.

To do this, simply put an arrow on the string and then align the tip of the arrow with the top edge of your sight window (also known as the peep sight). After doing this, tighten your bowstring and then pull back on it. Make sure to hold the string at a consistent distance from your chin while doing this. You should also ensure that your face is pointed directly down the arrow shaft.
If you are sighting in a recurve bow, you will need to use a bow square to help keep your form straight. After all of this is done, slowly release the tension on the string and ensure that the arrow hits exactly where you want it to.
Make sure that your bow is still properly sighted when you are done. If it isn’t, then repeat the process until it is correctly sighted in.
Video Guide
Tuning a recurve bow is not difficult and can be done by anyone with the right tools. The most important thing to remember while tuning a recurve bow is to follow specific instructions so that you avoid damaging the limbs or riser. If you are looking for more information on how to tune a recurve bow, please feel free to leave us a comment in the box below. We always love hearing from our readers!
David Parker
David Parker is a dedicated archer with a special interest in historical archery techniques and traditional recurve bows. He studied History, focusing on ancient warfare and weaponry, which gives him a unique perspective. David often takes part in historical reenactments and archery competitions, where he tests his skills and the newest equipment. His deep research and practical experience offer a rich understanding of archery’s past and present.
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